Tag Archives: graduation

Thesis, check! What’s Next?

Thesis: check!

Thesis: check!

So I finally turned in my MA thesis…and after a few weeks of waiting and pestering my adviser, I got a grade and credit! I am now officially DONE!

I’m not sure how it turned out – my adviser gave NO feedback, and truth be told, I’m not even sure he read it. I’m relieved to get it done, but I’d really like to get some feedback on it. I had hoped to submit it to a conferenc or a journal, but would like to know if that would be a good thing, or whether I’d just embarass myself!

One thing I realized as I finished it up – I really love doing this! I love research, I love writing….once I get past the rut that blocked me for the first few weeks of summer. In hindsight I wish I had been more proactive about either getting more from my adviser or finding a new one.  We didn’t have a bad working relationship….we just had no relationship whatsoever. In the end I learned a lot on my own, but I think I’d feel more confident about my work if I’d had more direction.

But, all of that is in the past- now to look towards the future. For the moment I’m looking for work, but I am definitely going to continue on to pursue my PhD. I knew it was something I wanted to do while I was in school, and I confirm it ever day that I’m not in school!

I have a few schools in mind and will start assembling the applications this week. Last year I applied to one school, and filled everything out at the last minute. It was stressful and I didn’t get in. So this year I’m NOT going to procrastinate!

The first thing I’m going to do is go to the Idealist Grad School Fair tomorrow! These fairs go on throughout the country, and tomorrow, Sept 21 it will be in Washington DC!

If you are the least bit interested in grad school, especially for studying topics related to public service, you HAVE to go! Check this out-

If you’re going, let me know! See you there!!!

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Filed under Application, Grad School, Logistics, PhD