Tag Archives: lunch

The first day of my last semester

Today was the first day of classes for the spring semester – it will be my last, and hardest semester! My courseload is usually 3 courses per semester, including summer. But since one of my classes was canceled last summer, I’m having to take four this spring in order to finish in time.

The break between semesters was nice. I didn’t do any academic work (or blog posting!). I wasn’t sure if I should try to get ahead on reading or just concentrate on relaxing. In the end, I’m glad I took the time to fully recharge.

Photo of Mr. Bento lunch thermos

Photo of Mr. Bento lunch thermos

I’m very excited about some of my Christmas presents! I asked for a rice cooker (which I’ve already used a billion times!) and a Mr. Bento lunch thermos. One of my goals this semester is to spend less money on food while I’m on campus. I was so excited to use my new toy this morning- packed myself a FABULOUS lunch of leftover Tunisian Eggplant and Chickpea Stew, along with some rice, yogurt, and blueberries…..mmmm! But, in the morning rush, I left it at home. 😦 So, I guess I’ll have to start on that goal tomorrow!

My classes this semester are on Mondays and Tuesdays, which also happen to be the busiest days for our family- wrestling, basketball and play practice all fall on these days. It was a challenge enough to manage it all when I wasn’t in class. Now, my husband will have to manage it all himself!

Planning ahead the night before is going to be key. Because I have a morning class on Mondays, I have to be ready to leave as soon as the kids are on the bus. That means I’ve got to get up and dressed, make the kids lunches, my lunch, put dinner in the crock pot and the clean up the mess from all that cooking BEFORE the 8am. (I guess I’ve gotten a little spoiled to doing all of that after I put the kids on the bus.)

On Mondays I’ll get home at about the same time as my husband and the kids (after wrestling practice). There will be just enough time to eat dinner, make sure the kids’ homework is done, then put them to bed. Tuesdays is going to be the real challenge for my husband. After work he’ll have to pick up one kid at play practice, then go across town to get the other 2 from after-school program, then take everyone off to basketball practice! There won’t be enough time (because of traffic) to go home and get dinner, so I’ll be packing dinners on Tuesday mornings!

So my mornings will involve a lot of food prep- I’m collecting portable dinner ideas if anyone has any!


Filed under Family, Grad School